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DUFFA - Didsbury Ultimate Frisbee For Amateurs • DUFFA AGM - Saturday 2nd May 2015
DUFFA Ultrastar Animated Spinning Disc

DUFFA AGM - 17th July 2022

Informal chat held for approx. 15mins whilst awating start.


Ruan Gould
Steve Morgan
Mike Bird
Kieran Tempest
Naomi Jesse
Ben Fox
Peter Mare
Henry Care
Dean Wilson
Chris Phang
James Mashhouri
Fran Riley
Daniel Mclean
Peter Smart
Simon Ingram
David Holmes
Chris Farman

1. Approve 2021 AGM minutes
2. Chair report
3. Secretary report
4. Treasurer report
5. Social Sec report
6. Election of 2022/2023 committee
7. Constitutional amendments
8. Byelaws
9. Any other business
  1. Approve 2021 AGM minutes

Due to Covid-19 no AGM held in past 3 years so no Committee Meeting notes to approve.
  1. Chair Report (Steve Morgan)
Steve thanks the current volunteers for dedicating their time.
Steve is happy that Duffa Hat is being held again this year.
Steve states that he has been acting as treasurer on Charlotte’s Behalf.
  1. Secretary Report (Peter Smart)
The rota is running smoothly with plenty of volunteers signed up.
We have had an influx of new players in the past few months which has been a welcome addition to the club.
  1. Treasurer Report (Steve Morgan- Acting)
Accounts are up to date. Account as of 1st June 2022 £6050.53
Petty cash which will be deposited £91.62
Account as of yesterday £15,529.00. This balance includes DUFFA HAT signups so will reduce when hat spending is accounted for.
Steve is unsure of Stock so an action will be assigned to him to count number of discs the club has for sale.  Steve explained that club expenditure that isn’t recovered is usually in the hundreds of pounds per year this includes insurance and equipment for volunteers e.g. BIBS.
  1. Ruan (Social Sec)
Ruan has actively encouraged others to attend socials, He wants to organise socials ahead of sessions as when this has been done in the past the socials are better attended.
  1. Election of 2022/2023 Committee
Steve Morgan, Peter Smart, Naomi Jesse and Ruan Gould were elected by acclamation to the positions of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Social Secretary respectively.
Chris Phang, David Holmes, Daniel Mclean, Fran Riley and Simon Ingram were elected by acclamation to the positions of "at large" committee members.
  1. Constitutional amendments
No Changes formally submitted. Informally Steve Morgan suggest we look at updating some of the outdated language at a later date i.e. next AGM.
  1. Byelaws
No Changes Formally Submitted
  1. Any Other business
It was resolved by acclamation that the 2022/2023 DUFFA membership fee will remain at £0.00.
Task assigned to committee:
Organise Quarterly Committee meetings with 1st meeting to be held within next month.
Add Dean Wilson and Chris Phang to bibs and cones rota
Review Duffa Accounts formatting etc.
Stock check of disks
Run 1st beginners’ session in August.
Order 1st aid kits to be distributed to rota members.
Recruit new members